Daily Devotions


Day 19

"If then you count me as a partner..."

Text: Philemon 17


What was Paul’s relationship with Philemon like? It must have been very special and strong for Paul to have written so candidly and personally as he did.

“If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would me.”
Philemon 17

1. A conditional sentence

a) In the Greek language we have “conditional sentences”.
b) They are classified in “classes”.
c) The sentence is divided into two parts.
d) The first part is called the “protasis”, and the second part “apodosis”.
e) They are closely connected

2. The classic first class condition was employed here

a) The first part begins with “if”.
i) If Philemon counted Paul as a partner.
ii) Did Philemon count Paul as a partner?
Yes, he did. (This was a reality)
b) The second part is the logical consequence of the first statement.
i) Sometimes the word “then” is added (but not necessarily).
ii) Philemon was asked to receive Onesimus as he would have received him (Paul).

3. The word “partner”

a) This word is where the word “fellowship” is derived.
b) Paul and Philemon were “fellow-partners”.
c) They shared a very special relationship with each other.
d) It was such a strong and real relationship, Paul could make an appeal based on it.

4. The word “receive”

a) This was written very strongly.
i) This is a compound word.
ii) A preposition was used to form the compound word.
iii) It was added to give it greater strength.
b) Paul used this word in the imperative to further highlight the strength of his request.