A Spirit-Filled Church

by Pastor Mark
April 07, 2016

Grace Works Week 106 Banner

The outpouring of the Spirit

What does it mean to be a Spirit-filled church? It is vital that we look to the Lord’s Word to give us a clear understanding as to what a Spirit-filled church is.

The Lord promised that the Spirit of God will be poured into the lives of His Apostles and the church after He had been glorified. (John 7:39) When the Lord had risen from the dead and ascended to His Father, the Holy Spirit came and filled the lives of the brethren. There came rivers of living water from the hearts of the people. They gladly received the word and were baptized. And immediately the church grew to 3000. (Acts 2:41)

This was the beginning of the Jerusalem church and as they were filled with the Spirit of God, they became a Spirit-filled church. What makes a Spirit-filled church?

The model of the Jerusalem church 

The writer Luke records for us the manifestation of the Spirit in the brethren of the Jerusalem Church. (Acts 2:42-47)

  1. The centrality of the word of God…the brethren continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine for it is how the Spirit of God will empower the church.
  1. Relating to each other in fellowship…there was fellowship between the Apostles and the brethren as they were filled by the Spirit of God to love one another.
  1. The practice of the partaking of the Lord’s Supper…there was the breaking of bread which was done regularly from house to house as they were moved by the Spirit of God to remember the Lord’s death.
  1. The place of prayer…there were prayers being made together as a church to the heavenly Father as the Spirit of God led them to cry out “Abba Father”.
  1. The caring of each other…there were those who gave towards others who were in need as the Spirit of God moved their hearts to give.
  1. The unity of the church…the brethren continued in one accord as they learned to stand together in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
  1. The fellowship of eating together…there was the eating of food together in the church as the Holy Spirit gave them joy in fellowship.
  1. The offering of worship…there was the praising of the Lord as the Holy Spirit led them to give praise and honor to the Lord.

Bethany as Spirit-filled church

As we see the Jerusalem church as a Spirit-filled church, Bethany has sought to follow that same model in being a Spirit-filled church. These are aspects of the church that we have sought to emulate as we are filled with the Spirit of God. This is how we have sought to develop Bethany all these 43 years. Let us continue steadfastly in being a Spirit-filled church as we look ahead to the future…to Bethany IV.

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