01 June 2007

5th Retreat: Unanswered Prayer Session 7

5th Retreat: Unanswered Prayer Session 7

5th Retreat: Unanswered Prayer

5th Retreat: Unanswered Prayer Session 7

5th Retreat: Unanswered Prayer

Message Notes

Friday, 1 June 2007
Session # 7
A. Old Testament

1. Meditative Prayer

Have we brought prayer down to such a low level that He will not answer our prayers?

Meditate within your heart on your bed, be still

Psalm 4:4

Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation

Psalm 5:1

2. Pleading “mercy”

Have we taken the mercies of God so much that He will not answer our prayer?

Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak

Psalm 6:2

O save me, for your mercies’ sake

Psalm 6:4

3. Pleading with Tears

Have we lost the ability to shed tears before the Lord? (Not that God delights in seeing us cry, but that tears express a depth of the soul crying out that He is moved with compassion).

The LORD has heard the voice of my weeping, The LORD has heard my supplication; The LORD will receive my prayer

Psalm 6:8-9

4. Praying and Fasting

Have we lost the ability to make necessary sacrifices in prayer?

a) Many examples may be cited

i) Moses

ii) Daniel

b) Significance of the practice of “Fasting and Praying”

i) Intensity

ii) Sincerity demonstrated

iii) Time devoted to seeking God’s will

iv) Tremendous effort to plead the mercy of God (Intercession)

5. Sustained efforts in prayer/fasting

a) Days on end

b) Prayer- without ceasing

6. Dealing with whatever hinders prayer

a) Confession of sin

b) Seeking God’s forgiveness

c) Getting right with God

d) Learning afresh (Psalm 25, 32)

7. Vows (Examples)

a) Jacob Genesis 28:20

b) Hannah 1 Samuel 1:11

c) Asaph Psalm 76:11

d) Solomon Ecclesiastes 5