08 November 2007

6th Retreat: Revive Me Session 1

6th Retreat: Revive Me Session 1

6th Retreat: Revive Me

Message Notes

Pulai Springs, JB
8-10 November 2007
Theme: “Revive me”

Session 1

GOALS of Retreat

1. To obtain a good understanding of the doctrine of “Revival”

a) Prophets

b) Psalms

c) Personal life

2. To recognize the dangers of being spiritually dead

a) Self-wrought

b) Complicated by circumstances

c) Discipline by the Lord

d) Acute problem

e) Chronic problem

3. To recognize the need for revival in our life

a) Soul-thirst for God

b) Soul-cry for Revival

4. To discover how we may find spiritual revival swiftly

a) Understanding of spiritual principles

b) Application of spiritual principles

c) Cultivation of faith-walk with the Lord to maintain spiritual vitality





1. Brief

a) Many aspects of the Prophets

i) Theology

ii) History

iii) Ministry

b) Focus on the subject of Revival

i) Theologically

ii) Personal application

2. Importance

a) Doctrine

b) Theme: Revival

3. Relevance

a) Glimpses of doctrine

b) Lessons of application

i) To prevent wrong understanding and application

ii) To teach right application with desired results



1. Different Types of prophets

a) Writing prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah etc)

b) Non-writing prophets (Elijah, Elisha)

c) Pre-exilic prophets (also called “former prophets”  Cf. Zechariah 7:7)

d) Exilic prophets       (Ezekiel, Daniel)

e) Post-exilic prophets (Zechariah, Malachi)

2. Ministry of Prophets

a) Teaching

i) Explaining

ii) Applying

iii) Correcting

b) Preaching

i) From the Scriptures

ii) A fresh new word from the Lord

c) Praying

i) Watchman-Intercessor

ii) Vital role of intercession for the nation

3.  Examples

a) Prayer of a Watchman-Intercessor

i) Watchman-Intercessor        Isaiah 62:6

ii) Standing in the Breach       Psalm 106:23

b) Short list

i) Isaiah                      Isaiah 62

ii) Ezekiel                  Ezekiel 3

4. Intercessory Prayer for the nation

a) Making Confession

b) Seeking Forgiveness

c) Pleading Revival

d) Seeking full restoration

e) Seeking great blessings

5. A Valid Model

a) Valid principles

b) Valuable Insights

6. A Study of Habakkuk

A Brief Outline

a) Concerns felt by the prophet Habakkuk

i) Prevalence of wickedness in Israel             Habakkuk 1:1-4

ii) Answer of the Lord                                       Habakkuk 1:5-11

b) Concerns about God’s answer/solution offered

i) Would God’s answer be too drastic?          Habakkuk 1:12-2:1

ii) God’s further reply                                        Habakkuk 2:2-20

c) Habakkuk’s long prayer as a response              Habakkuk 3:1-19

d) The subject of Revival in the book of Habakkuk


O LORD, I have heard Your speech and was afraid;
O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years!
In the midst of the years make it known;
In wrath remember mercy                          Habakkuk 3:2