The Presence Of The God Of Peace

by Pastor Mark
July 07, 2016

Grace Works Week 119 Banner

Going beyond the peace of God

In facing the difficult challenges of life, we can prevent ourselves from becoming anxious by taking time to pray and to meditate on good thoughts. The peace of God will be there to guard our minds and hearts.

Yet there is a greater level of understanding that we want to work towards. How do we go beyond having the peace of God? This is something that we want to learn from the example of the Apostle Paul.

The example of Paul

For Paul, all that he wrote to the Philippian church was not just theory to him but principles that were part and parcel of his life. He lived out his life and faith in an outstanding manner. There is so much that the church could learn from his example. Paul wanted them to emulate his life. What were some of the things that they could learn from him?

“The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do,” (Phil 4:9)

  1. The things learned

The word “learned” in Greek is “manthano” which is to learn as a disciple. There are things that the brethren should learn as disciples of Paul.

  1. The things received

The word “received” in Greek is “paralambanó” which is to receive with a great sense of intensity, warmth and joy. It is to welcome what Paul had taught.

  1. The things heard

Whatever things that were heard and understood from Paul, the brethren should dwell upon them.

  1. The things seen

It is also to see and experience things from being with Paul and appreciating what he does in his life. Let us be challenged to learn these things from the example of Paul.

Emulating the example of Paul

The challenge that Paul gave was “these do”.  The Greek word for “do” is “prassó” which means to practise. Not only should we meditate but also to practise these things that have been learned from Paul. We want to follow His wonderful example. All that we have gained from his example, let us be challenged to do them and to make them a part of our life.

Sensing the presence of the God of peace

“and the God of peace will be with you.” (Phil 4:9)

When we put into practice the things Paul taught and exemplified in his life, the presence of the God of peace will be with us. We would be able to sense His presence through all the challenges of life. We will not just feel the peace of God but we will go beyond and sense the God of peace…His presence. As Paul sensed the presence of God in his life, we would also be able to sense His presence. With God’s presence, there is nothing that we need to fear and to be anxious about. Let us seek to sense the presence of the God of peace.

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