Daily Devotions

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Filled with the Holy Spirit 
Day 24

"A double portion of your spirit..."

Text: 2 Kings 2:9


The prophet Elijah was empowered to perform many mighty miracles for good reason.

1. Understanding the context of the performance of mighty miracles

a) Israel had been led astray by wicked kings to worship idols.
b) The Northern kingdom had forsaken the Lord and had rejected His commandments.

2. The ministry of the prophet Elijah

a) He wielded the power of God to curb the wickedness of King Ahab.
b) The power of God was displayed so that Israel could see afresh how mighty the LORD was.
c) In contrast the many idols that were worshipped were absolutely powerless.


The work of Elijah had to be continued. Elisha was chosen as his successor. As Elijah drew near to the end of his ministry, Elijah asked his disciple what he would wish for.

“…Elijah said to Elisha, ‘Ask! What may I do for you,
before I am taken away from you?’
Elisha said, ‘Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.'”
2 Kings 2:9

1. “Your spirit”

a) Elisha knew that his master had the anointing and the empowering of the Spirit of God.
b) The human spirit would not have the power to perform mighty miracles.

2. “A double portion of your spirit”

a) Elisha was essentially saying that he recognised the power of the Spirit of God in Elijah.
b) He could not have asked for a double portion of Elijah’s human spirit.
i) Elijah could not give away his spirit.
ii) Neither could he speak of possessing “a double portion”.
c) Elisha’s reference must be with reference to the power of the Spirit of God.

3. What lay behind Elisha’s request?

a) He recognised the immense difficulty of the prophet’s ministry.
b) He also understood his own limitation to minister as a prophet of God and a successor to Elijah!
c) Asking for “a double portion” amounted to a request for fullness of power.
d) He was conscious that he would need the fullness of the power of the Spirit of the Lord to become Elijah’s successor!