“Your God Reigns”

by Pastor Mark
December 01, 2016


Challenging times

We live in challenging times. As a nation, we are going through a tough economic climate. Our personal life can also be challenging with difficulties at work and struggles with family.

Israel was faced with very challenging circumstances when the invading army of Babylon brought Judah into captivity and caused the desolation of Jerusalem. They were ruled by a foreign nation and had to go through the harsh reality of captivity.

Yet the Lord would bring about hope and salvation to Israel.

1. The messenger of salvation

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news,” (Isa 52:7)

This is a description of a runner who had received news of a victory in battle. He would run with the good news to the cities and announced it to the nation.

This good news was seen as something so great and so wonderful that the feet of the messenger were seen as most beautiful. Those beautiful feet of the messenger would be greatly appreciated as he brought this good news to the whole of Israel.

2. The message of salvation

“Who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” (Isa 52:7)

The messenger would bring a message of salvation. It was a message of peace. As there was victory, there would be peace in the land…in Jerusalem. It was truly glad tidings of good things. Wonderfully, good things would come to Israel. The message would bring about a special sense of joy to all.

It would be a glorious message of salvation. There would be deliverance for Israel from captivity and oppression. The great news that was announced is, “Your God reigns.” Once, a foreign nation ruled over God’s people. But it was God who ultimately reigns over all…even the other nations. This is indeed such a glorious truth. The Lord is the Sovereign who reigns over all things. This is the resounding message of salvation…“Your God reigns.”

The result of this salvation

What was the result of the giving of the message of salvation?

  1. There would be the singing of praise to the Lord (Isa 52:8)
  2. There would be joy in the land as they sing (Isa 52:9)
  3. There would be comfort for the people (Isa 52:9)
  4. There would be redemption given (Isa 52:9)

What a wonderful result. This Christmas, despite the problems and difficulties we are faced with, let us find a fresh appreciation for those who are messengers of salvation…who bring the glorious message of salvation to comfort all of us.

We thank God for the Lord Jesus who was born to be a King to rule and reign supreme over all things, including our problems. Let us rejoice with a resounding shout “Our God reigns.”

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