“For Out Of You Shall Come Forth A Ruler”

by Pastor Mark
December 08, 2016


The birth of the Ruler

The birth of a baby will always be seen as something special. It is special to the parents and to the family. The newborn brings a special sense of joy and life to the family. There is indeed so much potential in a baby who can bring hope for the future. A baby is always special to the family.

For us, the birth of Christ should be seen as something so much more special. He is to be born Ruler. His birth is unlike any other prince. He is going to be the Ruler of the Kingdom of God. How should we appreciate the birth of Christ as Ruler?

“But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are not the least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you shall come a Ruler who will shepherd My people Israel.” (Matt 2:6)

1. A Significant Ruler

a. Though Christ was born in Bethlehem…an insignificant town compared to all the other cities of Judah, He would come from it as a significant Ruler.

b. He is the Messiah King…the greatest of all rulers.

2. A Spiritual Ruler

a. Christ was going to be the spiritual Ruler. Human rulers can only rule from a physical standpoint. But it is the Lord who would rule in a spiritual manner.

b. He would be King in the spiritual realm of the Kingdom of God.

3. A Sovereign Ruler

a. There were many rulers in Judah…both good and evil. But no king would reign as the Lord Jesus would.

b. He would have sovereign rule over all kings and queens. He would be the One to rule over all things.

4. A Shepherd-Ruler

a. Christ would be the great Shepherd to His people. As Shepherd, He would lead and guide His sheep lovingly and wisely.

b. As King, the Lord will do everything He can to protect the sheep…even to the extent of sacrificing His life by dying on the cross.

What a great and glorious Ruler we have who came out of little Bethlehem. Let us be challenged to appreciate our Messiah King for all that He is. Let us understand the kind of King that He is. Let us be challenged to worship Him with the utmost awe and fear this Christmas and to give Him the glory and praise that He rightly deserves.

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