Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 17

"Although I was formerly a blasphemer..."

Text: 1 Timothy 1:13


The apostle Paul did not mince words when he wrote these words. He was both honest and candid about his past background.

“Although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man;
but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.”

1 Timothy 1:13

1. An honest confession

Paul freely admitted his past misdeeds:-

a) “I was formerly a blasphemer”
i) He must have spoken evil things against the Lord.
ii) He had rejected Jesus as the Christ.
b) “A persecutor”
i) He sought Christians out to jail them.
ii) He created havoc in the church (Acts 9:1-2).
c) “And an insolent man”
i) He was arrogant.
ii) He was bigoted.
d) “Ignorantly”
i) Humbly Paul admitted his lack of knowledge.
ii) In ignorance he persecuted the church.
e) “Unbelief”
i) There was a time when Paul did not have personal faith.
ii) He had religious conviction that caused him to behave in the most wicked way.

2. A grateful declaration

a) If God had judged him for his misdeeds:-
i) He would have been condemned.
ii) He would be consigned to eternal separation from God.
b) “I obtained mercy”
i) The word “mercy” would now become a very significant theological word in his vocabulary.
ii) Only through the great mercy of God could Paul have been so gloriously redeemed.