Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 35

"Proper for women professing godliness..."

Text: 1 Timothy 2:10


Life in the twenty-first century is quite different from the first century in which the apostle Paul lived. Nevertheless what Paul wrote in his pastoral epistle to Timothy is not irrelevant at all!

1. “Women”

a) They certainly play very prominent roles today.
b) They may enter into any chosen professional field of their interest.
c) Some women effectively lead and rule countries.

2. “Women professing godliness”

a) The focus in this text makes reference to the women who profess godliness.
b) Paul suggests that they must give what he wrote due consideration.

3. The things that transcend time and gender

a) “Proper”
i) There are improper things.
ii) There are also proper things.
iii) The things that are proper will always apply.
b) “Godliness”
i) Godliness includes wholesome virtues.
ii) It reflects a strong faith-relationship with God.
iii) It further reflects the external expressions of a genuine faith.
c) “Good works”
i) Jesus taught His disciples about doing good work by His own personal example.
ii) All the apostolic writers mentioned maintaining good works.
iii) Good works befit women who profess godliness.


It was the Lord Jesus Himself who said these famous lines.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see
your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

Paul’s word of advice to women reflects what the Lord Jesus taught. The profession of faith may well be empty if good works do not ensue.