Daily Devotions


Day 26

"Fulfil the royal law..."

Text: James 2:8


James had the highest regard for the Word of God. His regard for the Scriptures may be found here.

“If you really fulfil the royal law according to the Scripture,
‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself,’ you do well;
but if you show partiality, you commit sin,
and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point,
He is guilty of all.”
James 2:8-10

1. “The royal law”

a) The law of God was called “the royal law”.
b) James saw the Word of God as the law of the King (hence the word “royal” was used).

2. “Convicted by the law”

a) The law of the King had royal authority backing it.
b) The whole law (every law of God) was to be kept.

3. The breaking of the law of God

a) The reference here is not the “law of the land”.
b) The reference here is the law of the King (The Lord God).

4. A royal command

a) You shall love your neighbour as yourself.
b) This ought to be obeyed.
c) The believer who obeys this royal command will be commended as having done well.

5. Disobedience of the royal law

a) Showing partiality is sin according to the royal law of God.
i) Because the poor neighbour has been dishonoured.
ii) He should have been shown love, but instead he is despised.
b) Breaking of the royal law makes the person a transgressor.
c) Guilty of breaking the law of God.
i) Even if he has kept many other laws.
ii) If partiality is practised he is adjudged guilty before the Lord