(Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service)


A soul gripped by the power of sin knows deep grief,

No means known to man can bring about true relief!

Then came the Son of God who became the Son of Man,

He had the authority to free the soul as only He can!


Not everyone can feel deep gratitude for grace given by God,

A brother had died, and he was restored to life by the Lord!

Few things can flood the person with joy as the return of life,

It takes a heart, a mind and soul that has been set free from strife!


Now the One who has the power to set a soul free, must suffer death,

The heart gripped with pain and sorrow; it fights for every breath!

How does one express thanks to a Saviour who is loved deeply?

A precious gift must be given! Even if no one understands fully!


A jar of the costliest nard was deemed barely fit to be given,

What is that compared to the great Gift of life from Heaven?

The gift was offered with a heart full of gratitude and love,

It was received as a sacrifice of sweet aroma from heaven above!


Not everyone understood, as expected by the giver of the gift,

The sharp words cut deep into the heart; harmony was set adrift!

But the tender words of Jesus brought great comfort to the soul,

This story of a precious gift from a loving heart will forever be told!


Inspiration: John 12:1-7; Matthew 26:6-12; Mark 14:3-9

Charles Tan