Appreciating The Vicarious Suffering Of Christ

by Pastor Mark
April 13, 2017

Appreciating the Lord’s suffering

As we approach Good Friday, let’s take time to check ourselves whether we are appreciating the Lord Jesus as we should. It is vital that we do not allow this Good Friday to be just another event.

We can go through the motions of celebrating this event and not appreciate the Lord Jesus as we should. We can worship and serve the Lord without appreciating the significance of this Easter season. Let us seek to have a deeper appreciation for the Lord Jesus this Easter.

Poor appreciation of the Lord Jesus

The Prophet Isaiah prophesied of this poor sense of appreciation. There were those who despised and rejected the Lord Jesus. (Isa 53:3) There were many who hid their faces from Him. (Isa 53:3)

Those who despised the Lord included the chief priest and the Pharisees. The Lord was also lowly esteemed by the soldiers, the Jews and the multitudes. (Isa 53:3) Let us check ourselves whether we have allowed ourselves to have a poor appreciation of the suffering of the Lord Jesus.

The vicarious suffering of the Lord Jesus

The word “vicarious” means to act on one’s behalf. The Lord Jesus suffered on our behalf, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;” (Isa 53:4) The Lord took upon His shoulders the suffering that was meant for us.

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” (Isa 53:5)

What were the things that were meant for us to bear? We should have suffered instead of the Lord Jesus. We should have been wounded and bruised. We should have been chastised and given many strips in order to atone for our sins. We ought to have borne the penalty of our sins.

But the Lord Jesus took all the penalty upon Himself instead so that we may have peace and to be spiritually healed. He was wounded, bruised, chastised and given strips in our place. Let us appreciate and be touched by the vicarious suffering of the Lord Jesus.

A deeper appreciation of the Lord Jesus

As we look at our lives, we recognise how vital it is for the Lord to have suffered on our behalf. We cannot help ourselves when it comes to the atoning of our sins.

The Lord knows that we are like sheep that is prone to go astray and to turn to our own selfish ways. (Isa 53:6) There was no way in which we could deal with our sickness of sin.

God planned for the Lord Jesus to be the Suffering Servant who would vicariously bear our iniquities, “And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa 53:6) Only He could completely atone for the penalty of our sins. Let us find a deeper appreciation of the Lord Jesus who suffered on our behalf. Let us appreciate the Lord Jesus for all that He has done for us this Easter.

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