Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 81

"The elders who rule well..."

Text: 1 Timothy 5:17


The apostle had his fair share of people who loved him on the one hand, and those who opposed him on the other. However despite the fact that he had experienced on a number of occasions people who rankled him, he wanted Timothy to know how to have a proper regard to faithful spiritual leaders.

“Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honour,
Especially those who labour in the word and doctrine.”
1 Timothy 5:17

1. The elders

a) The term “elder” was used interchangeably with the word “bishop” (1 Timothy 3:1; Titus 1:5, 7).
b) This describes a church officer.
c) These were church officers.
d) Most likely some served in a full-time capacity.


2. “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honour”

a) The elders/ bishops
i) As their titles suggest, they were probably involved in multiple ministries.
ii) They were personally involved in ministries.
iii) They oversaw ministries too.
iv) Hence they were called “rulers”.
v) Some would have ruled very well.
b) “Be counted worthy of double honour”
i) Timothy probably “ranked” above these elders/ bishops.
ii) He was the personal emissary of the apostle Paul.
iii) He was more than one who had a pastoral ministry.
iv) “Double honour” may imply that these faithful servants be considered worthy of receiving strong support. (The word translated “honour” may actually be thought of as remuneration.)
c) “Especially those who labour in the word and doctrine”
i) This was more than just a suggestion.
ii) The grammatical construction would suggest that this text be read as an imperative.
iii) Timothy must teach the church how to have a good sense of regard for “teachers”.
iv) This will strengthen the ministry of these “elders”.