Daily Devotions

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 
Day 85

"If any brother has a wife who does not believe..."

Text: 1 Corinthians 7:12


Marriage issues are many, then and now. Paul turned his attention to deal with the problem of divorce!

“Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord:
A wife is not to depart from her husband.
But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried
or be reconciled to her husband.
And a husband is not to divorce his wife.”
1 Corinthians 7:10-11

1. “Now to the married”

a) There is specific reference here.
b) Paul was addressing those who were duly married.

2. “I command, yet not I but the Lord”

a) Paul was exercising apostolic authority, hence the word “command” was employed.
b) The authority behind the apostolic word of command, is really that of the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) This was Paul’s way of explaining the significance and strength of what he was stating here.

3. An Imperative word to the wife

a) She is not to depart from her husband.
i) No reason was given.
ii) It could mean that there were no “big issues” for the wife to decide to depart from her husband.
b) In any case, divorce was not to be decided upon easily or hastily.

4. “But even if she does depart”

a) Paul does not commend her departure here.
b) But he shows understanding.

5. “Let her remain unmarried”

She is not to seek re-marriage for she is still legally married to her husband.

6. “Or be reconciled to her husband”

a) Obviously, the marriage was in trouble.
b) Reconciliation was strongly advised.

7. “And a husband is not to divorce his wife”

The stance against divorce was clear and strong! Divorce is not the answer to marital problems!