Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 46

"That they may come to their senses..."

Text: 2 Timothy 2:26


In any and every spiritual conflict we must remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The apostle Paul intimated this in the following text.

“And that they may come to their senses
and escape the snare of the devil,
having been taken captive by him to do his will.”
2 Timothy 2:26

1. “And that they may come to their senses”

a) This phrase translates a single word in the Greek text.
b) The root word “senses” describes:-
i) A person who is so sober.
ii) One who is self-controlled.
c) The compound word in this text suggests:-
i) The person is not in control of himself.
ii) He has lost his senses as it were.
d) Paul did not wish any harm even to those who were in opposition.
e) His hope is that those who opposed the ministry would regain their senses!


2. “And escape the snare of the devil”

a) Those in opposition have been ensnared.
b) The person who has ensnared them is none other than the devil himself.
c) Those in opposition may not even be aware that they had been snared by the devil.


3. “Having been taken captive by him to do his will”

a) Those who in opposition are in fact “taken captive” by the devil.
b) They are his prisoners.
c) They are used by the devil to do his will.



This is a sobering truth that we must take careful heed of. Let us not fall prey to the power of the devil. Let us take careful heed of ourselves. Let us guard against this dilemma. Three dangers may be noted:-

1. Foolish pride

2. Worldly wisdom

3. Carnality