Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 47

"In the last days perilous times will come..."

Text: 2 Timothy 3:1


The concept of “the last days” is an important doctrine that needs to be given careful consideration. This concept appeared in the Old Testament and was often called “The Day of the Lord”. The following were features that were highlighted. These features may be broadly categorised into two parts.

1. A day of judgment

a) For Israel
b) For all nations


2. A day of redemption

a) The Messiah would be sent by the Lord.
b) He would bring redemption to Israel.
c) Much grace and mercy would be extended to all who would turn to Him in faith.


3. The Messianic Element

a) He would first come as Saviour.
i) He would offer salvation.
ii) He would usher in the beginning of “the last days”.
b) He would return again
i) This is often called “The Second Coming of Christ”.
ii) He would return for His own.
iii) He would establish what is known as the Millennial Kingdom.


4. The “last days”

a) This is the period between the first coming and the second coming of Christ.
b) The apostles Peter, John and Paul taught that this period would be fraught with danger.



The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy to warn him that the last days would be perilous.

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.”

2 Timothy 3:1

1. “But know this”

Timothy must seek to be well-instructed on this subject. It was imperative that he understands what “the last days” would be like.


2. “Perilous times will come”

This may be understood as a revelatory word from the Lord. To be forewarned is to be forearmed! The wise servant of God would do well to take all precautionary action!