Daily Devotions

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 
Day 140

"All things are from God."

Text: 1 Corinthians 11:12


Paul was very conscious that what he had written may seem too simplistic. Thus, he added this word to explain things further. The creation account is profound rather than simple.

“For as woman came from man,
even so man also comes through a woman;
but all things come from God.”
1 Corinthians 11:12

1. The Creation account

a) Man was made first.
b) Woman came from man.
i) Not the creation as Adam.
ii) Eve was made from a rib of Adam.

2. “Even so man also comes through a woman”

a) Paul was now speaking of pro-creation.
b) It is the woman who gives birth to a man-child.
c) The honour goes to the woman now.
i) She is given the privilege of motherhood.
ii) She will bear the child till he is ready to be born.

3. There should not be conflict

a) Between a man and woman.
b) Each one has his/her own place of honour.

4. But all things come from God

a) All glory should be given to the Lord God.
b) He is the Creator.
c) Even if He uses pro-creation to create more human beings.
d) All things do indeed come from God.
i) His power for procreation.
ii) His power to sustain all life.
iii) His power to provide.
iv) His blessings to make life significant.
v) His presence to warm the heart.
vi) His plan for the redemption of mankind.