Daily Devotions

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 
Day 160

"Our unpresentable parts..."

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:23


How should we view the different members of the body? Some parts appear to be more presentable than other parts.

“And those members of the body which we think
to be less honourable, on these we bestow greater honour;
and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty,
but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body,
having given greater honour to that part which lacks it.”
1 Corinthians 12:23-24

1. “Members of the body which we think to be less honourable”

a) This is how some view the physical body.
b) This is also the way some view “weak members” of the Body of Christ.
c) This problem was called “partiality” by the Apostle James (James 2).

2. “On these we bestow greater honour”

a) This reflected Paul’s approach.
b) Like James, he did not practise partiality.
c) The word “honour” does not always mean “meritorious”.
d) It may simply be “regard”. To those who are weaker, there should be greater regard.
e) This was already demonstrated by Paul when he wrote in the earlier chapters that the weaker brethren should be given careful consideration; the stronger ones should not stumble them.

3. “And our unpresentable parts have greater modesty”

a) There are the more “comely members”.
b) There are also “not-so-comely members”.
c) The phrase “greater modesty” may simply be understood as “greater needs”.
d) The more “comely parts” do not have such needs at all.

4. God’s design when He composed the body

a) Certain parts are comelier than others.
b) But all parts make up the entire whole.
c) To the so-called “not-so-comely” parts God has bestowed more regard and care (“honour”).

5. Reasons

a) The strong learns to care for the weak.
b) The weak will then appreciate the kindness and the regard (honour) bestowed.
c) All in all, there is that vital understanding, that we make up “the body of Christ”.