There are moments in our life when we greatly fear;
Happiness is gone; daily our eyes are filled with tears.
Bitterness of the soul is felt and with it great sorrow;
Life seems likely to end soon; there will be no tomorrow.
“In the prime of life I shall go to the gates of Sheol…”
This is sobering and brings trembling to the Soul!
The heart feels oppressed for all hope seems gone;
The thought of death causes the heart to feel forlorn!
“My life span is gone…” Another sobering thought;
How does one cope when the heart is over-wrought?
Despair is felt deep within the defeated soul;
Only God can restore and make one whole!
“O LORD, undertake for me”- this is the wisest prayer;
Only when the heart is humbled will one find God “there.”
Only God can undertake for us when we are close to death;
The Lord can yet show mercy and return to us our Health.
Inspiration: Isaiah 38:26
Charles Tan