Daily Devotions

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 
Day 122

"Proved diligent in many things..."

Text: 2 Corinthians 8:22


Another significant principle Paul employed as he ministered for the Lord was to count on the integrity of the servants of God. Integrity is seen and evidenced in the way a person serves. It radiates from the life of the individual.

“And we have sent with them our brother
whom we have often proved diligent in many things,
but now much more diligent,
because of the great confidence which we have in you.”
2 Corinthians 8:22

1. “And we have sent with them”

a) There was a team of people.
b) Each member of the team has been carefully selected.
c) Additional members were sent to ensure that the ministry went well.

2. “Our brother whom we have often proved diligent in many things”

a) This “brother” was unfortunately not named.
b) But the usual idea of a brother includes the following:
i) The individual is a born-again believer.
ii) He has proven that he is indeed a brother-believer.
iii) He is then called “brother” because he has won both affection and confidence from people.

3. “Whom we have often proved diligent in many things”

a) The word “proved”
i) The individual has been tested.
ii) He has passed with flying colours.
b) “Often proved diligent in many things”
i) The brother has proven himself diligent.
ii) In many ways and on all occasions, he has proven himself to be “diligent”.

4. “But now much more diligent”

a) The passage of time had not dimmed the diligence.
b) The many years of service has not blunted the sense of diligence.
c) Even in this proposed new ministry, there was “much more diligent”.
d) This is an outstanding feature.

5. “Because of the great confidence which we have in you”

Paul expressed confidence that the Corinthians would not be critical of this venture of collecting funds and administering them. He has explained all things clearly to the Corinthian Church!