The Lord Has Spoken

by Pastor Mark
March 08, 2018

Discovering the Word of God

Last Saturday, we had our pre-camp special in preparation for Family Camp 2018. Pastor Charles began our preparation on a strong note teaching us about how the Lord had spoken through His Word and gave us a glimpse of what we will be learning at camp.

An encouragement to search for the truths of God

Pastor first made reference to a verse in Proverbs, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” (Prov 25:2) God seeks to conceal things…His Word and His truth. It is His glory to do so. But it is the glory of kings to search it out…to discover the thoughts and truths of God. At the Family Camp, we will be learning about some of the kings of Judah. Did they search out the truths of God? While we may not be kings, it is our joy and glory to search out the matters of God too. What a wonderful encouragement for us to search for the light of the Word of God!

The Lord speaks through His Word

As we begin our study of Isaiah, we read of how God spoke to the people of Israel.

1. Hear…for the Lord has spoken

“Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the Lord has spoken:” (Isa 1:2)

When God speaks, all heaven and earth should hear Him. In the same way, Israel should listen to Him…to what He had to say to them. The Lord had to communicate to His people through Isaiah that they had rebelled against Him and did not know who their Master was. (Isa 1:2,3) Externally, they seemed to be doing well but internally they had become a nation laden with sin. (Isa 1:4) As a result they were faced with near destruction.

2. Hear the Word of the Lord

“Hear the Word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; give ear to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah:” (Isa 1:10)

God called for the rulers and the people to hear His Word. God addressed their religious practices for they were just doing things externally but internally they were full of sin. (Isa 1:11) They were in need of cleansing from within. God challenged them to be cleansed thoroughly. (Isa 1:16,17)

3. Hear the reason of the Lord

““Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord,” (Isa 1:18)

The Lord spoke about how He would like to reason with His people. Through His reasoning, God speaks to us. Through His reasoning, God gives us His light. What was the reasoning of the Lord that He spoke of, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;

though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isa 1:18) This was God’s gracious offer to His people…that they can be cleansed and be white as snow. He can change the heart of the people. But the people need to heed His challenge. If they were willing and obedient, God would bless them with good things in the land to eat. But if they were to refuse and to rebel against His Word, they would be punished. Let us be challenged to see the light in the reasoning of the Lord’s Word.

Appreciating the Word of God

We thank God that He continues to speak to us through His Word. Let us seek to listen to the Lord speak to us as we receive the Word of God at the Family Camp. Let us be challenged to see the light of the Lord as His Word is revealed to us.

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