The Depth Of The Love Of God

by Pastor Mark
March 29, 2018

Appreciating the love of God

As we approach Good Friday, let us consider all over again the love of God as seen in the death of the Lord Jesus. The love of God is something that we should never take for granted. We need to appreciate it with greater depth each time we remember the cross of Christ.

The Apostle Paul appreciated the depth of God’s love as he wrote to the believers in Rome. What did the Lord Jesus come to this earth to do? He came to die and to sacrifice His life for the world. But God recognised that the world would not respond as it should.

The depth of God’s love

How did God show the depth of His love?

1. His depth of love shown in Christ dying for the weak and ungodly

“For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” (Rom 5:6)

Paul was describing how weak man was! Man was considered without strength as he was plagued by sin in his life. He was also weak spiritually and did not have the power to overcome sin. He was considered ungodly before the Lord.

Christ died for the ungodly. But there would be those who would not respond positively to Christ but negatively. They would remain ungodly in all their ways, yet Christ died for them. This is the depth of God’s love that we want to understand and appreciate in sending Christ to die for the ungodly.

2. His love is in direct contrast to what human love would do

“For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.”  (Rom 5:7)

The depth of God’s love is made even more significant if we contrast His love with the kind of love that man tends to show. Paul observed that is not easy for a man to die for someone else. Whether a man is righteous or good, it is hard for a person to give up and sacrifice his own life for that man. It is possible but it would be a rarity.

It would take a lot for someone to dare to die for another. By nature, human beings are not inclined to die for another. This is why we should appreciate the sacrificial love of the Lord Jesus so much more.

3. The greatest demonstration of love

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8)

God demonstrated His love through Christ dying on the cross. His death revealed how great the love of God was. This love was shown to sinners. Christ died for all sinners. No matter what man had done in terms of their sins, Christ died for him. This is truly the greatest display of love…an unparalleled demonstration of love that all human kind had ever seen. God sent His Son to die on the cross of Calvary for the souls of man.

Let us be challenged this Easter week to appreciate the depth of God’s love so much more as we remember the death of the Lord Jesus who came to save all of us. Let us rejoice and give thanks for the love of God.

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