Study 59

by Charles Tan

Text: Daniel 9:3-19

Dear Young People,


Daniel desired very much to have a deeper understanding of God’s Word. He did his part in taking time to ponder over the visions that God had graciously given to him.

But there was something else that Daniel did in order to comprehend God’s Word at a deeper level. Daniel took time to pray! And what a prayer that was! Let us take time to understand why Daniel prayed the way he did.


We cannot help but notice the way Daniel prepared himself to pray. The following words reveal much about how Daniel prepared himself to pray.

“Then I set my face toward the Lord God
to make request by prayer and supplications,
with fasting, sackcloth and ashes.”
Daniel 9:3

Daniel had developed the spiritual discipline of seeking God in prayer since he was but a young lad (Cf. Daniel 1). God had heard and answered his prayers again and again. Daniel never took for granted that he needed to seek God in prayer carefully and humbly diligently.


Daniel’s example of prayer is most instructive. Let us take time to cultivate our own personal prayer life as we ponder over what we read in Daniel 9.

1. “Then I set my face…” Daniel 9:3

This phrase speaks of determination to commune with God in prayer. Daniel did not take for granted that God would immediately respond to his prayers. He was gearing himself to seek the Lord’s face… however long that process might be.

We do ourselves a great disservice when we do not prepare our hearts and minds adequately. To set one’s face to prayer is to be prepared for the long haul. There are times when we need to appreciate that sometimes answers to prayer would require us to pray a little longer! Are we ready for such prayer efforts?

2. “To make request…” Daniel 9:3

This phrase teaches us the fact that Daniel had a deep grasp of what real prayer was like. It is making request of God. You cannot push your prayer items before God, quote some memory verses, and then demand that the Lord must hear your prayers! This approach, though commonly practised , is quite alien to the Scriptures.

True prayer is always making request humbly before God! Let us make sure that we come to God with a truly humble spirit.

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