Positive Consequences

Text: Psalm 22:26-31
23 July 2018


1. The poor of the earth

a) The poor shall eat and be satisfied   (Psalm 22:26a)
b) Those who seek the Lord will praise Him   (Psalm 22:26b)
c) Let your heart live forever
i) In faith
ii) In trust

2. The ends of the earth

a) Extent described here… “the ends of the earth”   (Psalm 22:27)
b) All the families of the nations
c) They will turn to the Lord
d) They will worship the Lord

3. The Kingdom of the Lord

a) The kingdom truly belongs to the Lord
b) He rules over all nations   (Psalm 22:28)

4. The prosperous of the earth

They shall eat and worship   (Psalm 22:29)

5. The seemingly hopeless

a) They go down to the dust
b) They can barely keep themselves alive
c) But they shall bow before the Lord   (Psalm 22:30)

6. A posterity

a) There will be a posterity who will serve the Lord
b) One generation will reach the next generation   (Psalm 22:30)
c) In turn, they will declare His righteousness to His people
Who are yet to be born   (Psalm 22:31)

No PM on 30 July 2018

Pastoral Conference in Myanmar