Extoling The Lord This Anniversary

by Pastor Mark
August 16, 2018

A special moment to extol the Lord

A Blessed and Happy 40 + 5 Anniversary to all of you! Celebrating our 40 + 5 Anniversary is indeed a special moment for us to give the Lord the kind of praise that He rightly deserves. Let us take this opportunity to extol the Lord. What does it mean to extol the Lord?

King David wrote, “I will extol You, my God, O King; and I will bless Your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.” (Ps 145:1–3)

  1. Extoling means to give the highest praise to the Lord.
  2. It is to praise God with all our heart, mind and spirit. Let us seek to praise the Lord with all that is within us.
  3. It is to reflect the greatness of God in our praise.

The focus of our extoling

What did David focus on as he extolled the Lord?

1. The Person of the Lord

David wholeheartedly extolled God as One who was personal. He addressed Him as “My God.” (Ps 145:1) He revered the Lord as a majestic and mighty King. (Ps 145:1) God is also praised as a great and awesome Lord.(Ps 145:3) His greatness is unsearchable. There was such appreciation of God that David was able to extol Him even on a daily basis. (Ps 145:2)

David also focused on the Lord’s attributes. The Lord is one who is gracious and full of compassion. He is not quick to anger. The Lord is truly great in His mercies. (Ps 145:8) His goodness is shown to all. (Ps 145:9) What an amazing God we have! Let us extol Him for all that He is.

2. The works of the Lord

David joyously extolled the Lord for all the works that He had done. How did he describe the works of God? The works of God are considered as mighty acts. They are declared from one generation to another. (Ps 145:4) They are full of the power of the Lord. David meditated on the glorious splendour of God’s majesty…which is reflected in all His wondrous works. (Ps 145:6) God’s works are also seen as awesome acts. (Ps 145:6) These acts reveal the goodness of the Lord. (Ps 145:7) They display the righteousness of God. (Ps 145:7) Let us be challenged to extol the Lord for all His mighty acts.

Looking forward to extoling the Lord this Anniversary

As we look back 45 years of the Lord’s blessings, let us extol the Lord. He is indeed a mighty yet gracious God. Let us extol the Lord for all the mighty and glorious works that He has done for us here in Bethany over the years. From Bethany I to Bethany IV, we have been given front row seats to see the great works of God. They truly reflect how gracious and merciful our God is. We have every reason to greatly praise the Lord.

Let us look forward to extoling the Lord as we celebrate our 40 + 5 Anniversary.

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