Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 8

The Kingdom Of Heaven

Text: Matthew 13:11-12

“He answered and said to them,
‘Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,
but to them it has not been given.
For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance;
but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.’”
Matthew 13:11-12


1. This may be understood as “The kingdom of God” (Mark 1:14).

a. God is the Head of the Kingdom.
b. All believers are subjects of the Kingdom of God.
c. The Apostle Paul taught that we are citizens of God’s kingdom (Philippians 3:20).

2. The rights and privileges of being citizens of God’s kingdom.

a. We have access to God as His children (Romans 8:16).
b. We may call God “Abba, Father” (Romans 8:15a).
c. We are given “mysteries of the kingdom of heaven”.
i. God makes known to all His children important truths.
ii. The word “mysteries” may be understood as “knowledge revealed”.
iii. God will help us understand deep and precious truths about His Kingdom.


We must consider doing our part in response as children of God.

1. We need to attempt the following:

a. To read the Scriptures.
b. To understand the truths God teaches us.

2. We need to make every effort to remember the lessons God is teaching us.

a. Seek God’s help for good understanding.
b. Look for even deeper knowledge.
c. We can have an abundance of knowledge.

3. Beware

a. Don’t take knowledge of the Scriptures for granted.
b. The danger is in losing the knowledge and wisdom we have been given.
c. Let us do our utmost to treasure the knowledge of God’s kingdom so graciously given to us.

经文:马太福音 13:11-12


《马太福音 13:11-12》


1. 这也可视为 “神的国 ” 《马可福音 1:14》

a. 上帝掌管天国
b. 信徒们都是天国的子民
c. 使徒保罗教导我们是上帝国度的国民《腓立比书 3:20》

2. 上帝国度的国民的权利与特权

a. 我们能够成为上帝的儿女与祂联系《罗马书 8:16》
b. 我们能够称上帝为“阿爸,父”《罗马书 8:15》
c. 我们被赐予了 “天国的奥秘”
i. 上帝会显现给祂所有的儿女重要的真理
ii. “奥秘” 也可以被理解为 “显现的知识”
iii. 上帝会帮助我们了解天国深奥和宝贵的真理



1. 我们需要尝试以下事项:

a. 阅读经文
b. 了解上帝要教导我们的真理

2. 我们必须竭尽所能来谨记上帝的教导

a. 寻求上帝的帮助来取得更好的理解
b. 探索更深的知识
c. 我们能够得到丰富的知识

3. 提防

a. 不要把对经文的知识当成理所当然的
b. 我们将面临的危险就是失去所被赐予的知识和智慧
c. 让我们尽全力来珍惜上帝通过恩典所赐的天国的知识