Praying To A Profound God

by Pastor Mark
September 13, 2018

A prayer of faith

Paul was a man of prayer. He sought to pray consistently to his heavenly Father. His prayers were made with much faith. Paul sets for us an example of how we ought to pray as he prayed for the Ephesian church. Let us be challenged to learn from his example.

For many of us, we do not pray with faith as we should. We allow doubts and unbelief to get the better of us. Our understanding of God is sorely lacking. As such, we do not pray as much as we ought to. Paul recognised that his prayers were affected by the kind of faith that he had. Let us appreciate Paul’s understanding of God whom he believed in.

A profound understanding of God

Paul had a profound understanding of God which was reflected in what he prayed for. He had different levels of understanding of God in his prayer.

1. The capacity of God

“Now to Him who is able” (Eph 3:20)

The word “able” in Greek is “dunamai” which means “to have the power to enable”. Paul understood God as One who has the capacity to do all things…to make all things possible. The use of the Greek present tense for “able” indicates that God is always able. Let us turn to this God who has the capacity to do all things.

2. The action of God

“to do exceedingly abundantly” (Eph 3:20)

God is not only able to do things but He is also able to do things exceedingly abundantly. The word “abundantly” in Greek is “perissos” which means “overflowing”. The things that God can do for us is truly over and beyond abundance. It is overflowing. This is the kind of action that God would do for us.

3. The limitlessness of God

“above all that we ask or think,” (Eph 3:20)

There is no limit as to what God can do. He is not limited by our personal prayers and thoughts. This is truly amazing. God has the power to do that which is beyond our asking and thinking. Let us have the faith to believe in our profound God and to pray accordingly.

The power of God at work in us

“according to the power that works in us,” (Eph 3:20)

The word “power” in Greek is “dunamis” which is in the noun form. This is real and actual power from God. It is this divine power that energises us. This power can work in us dynamically. Let us pray for God to do exceedingly abundantly according to His power.

Praise and glory to God

“to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Eph 3:21)

This was Paul’s doxology to God. He sought to give all glory to Him. Let us be challenged to have the same profound understanding that Paul had of God and of His capacity to do things abundantly. Let us be challenged to pray with faith for God to work in our lives in the midst of our challenges and to give glory to Him for all that He is and for all that He has done for us as a church.

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