Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 52

The Authority To Give Life

Text: John 5:26-27


The Creator certainly has the power to give life! It is He who has given life to all living creatures. The Lord God has given His only begotten Son the authority to give life to all who come to him in faith.

For as the Father has life in Himself,
So He has granted the Son to have life in Himself,
And has given Him authority to execute judgment also,
Because He is the Son of Man.

John 5:26-27

1. “The Father”

This is a reference to the Lord God, the Creator of all life

a. He has life in Himself.
b. He is the Self-existing Being.

2. “He has granted the Son to have life in Himself”

a. This is stated to explain who Jesus is!
b. He too has life in Himself.
c. He was in existence with the Father from the beginning (John 1:1).

3. “Because He is the Son of Man”

a. Jesus is clearly described as “The Son of Man”.
b. He is also described as One who has been given “authority”.
c. He has God’s full authority to execute judgment.


In order to understand this text, we need to have knowledge of an important background behind the title “The Son of Man.” We need to read Daniel 7:13-14

1. A prophetic vision had been given to the prophet Daniel

2. In this vision, God revealed to Daniel concerning the Messiah who was called “The Son of Man”

3. The authority of God given to the Son of Man

a. He has been given “dominion, glory and power”.
b. All the world is to bow to Him and serve Him.
c. He has been given all the power and authority as the King of kings and Lord of lords.

4. This is a prophetic reference to the Lord Jesus Christ.

5. It is in His capacity as both the Son of God and the Son of Man that He has the authority to execute judgment! He can forgive, pardon and give eternal life to all who come to Him in sincere faith!

经文:约翰福音 5: 26-27



“因为父怎样在自己有生命,就赐给他儿子也照样在自己有生命 ,

《约翰福音 5: 26-27》

1. 天父


a. 祂在自己有生命
b. 祂的存在不依赖任何事物

2. 祂赐给祂儿子也照样在自己有生命

a. 这是为了解释耶稣是谁!
b. 祂也照样在自己有生命
c. 祂在太初就与天父同在《约翰福音 1: 1》

3. 因为祂是人子

a. 耶稣清楚地被描述为 “人子”
b. 祂也被描述为被赋予 “权柄” 的
c. 祂拥有来自上帝执行审判的一切权柄


为了理解这一段经文,我们需要了解 “人子” 这称呼背后的重要背景。我们需要阅读 《但以理书 7:13-14》

1. 先知但以理被给予预言的异象

2. 在这个异象中,上帝向但以理揭示了被称为 “人子” 的弥赛亚

3. 上帝的权柄被赋予了人子

a. 祂被赋予了 “权柄、荣耀与大能”
b. 全世界都要向祂伏拜,并事奉祂
c. 祂被赋予了作为万王之王和万主之主的一切大能和权柄

4. 这是关于主耶稣基督的预言

5. 身为上帝的儿子和人子,祂有权柄执行审判! 祂可以宽恕、赦免,并给予所有真诚信靠的人永生!