Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 101

The Old Testament Prophets

Text: John 7: 25-27


The prophets of God ministered as special servants of God. There were a number of things they did.

1. They were preachers

They preached to Israel messages from God. Some of the messages brought hope and comfort. Some of the messages contained rebukes for sins committed against God.

2. They were teachers

They explained many deep lessons about God. They helped people to understand their faith better.

3. They were prophets

They proclaimed things about the future of the nation. God would reveal things of the future.

4. The prophecies about the Messiah

Some of the prophecies concerned a special Person who would be God’s specially anointed. He was called “The Messiah”.


The prophecies about the Messiah came from different prophets. Each prophet would offer a glimpse or two about the Messiah. No single prophet had full knowledge or revelation about the Messiah. Over the years, some confusion arose concerning His identity.

Now some of them from Jerusalem said, ‘Is this not He whom they seek to kill? But look! He speaks boldly, and they say nothing to Him. Do the rulers know indeed that this is truly the Christ? However, we know where this Man is from; but when the Christ comes, no one knows where He is from.’” 

John 7:25-27

 1. “Some of them from Jerusalem”

a. These were possibly “followers” of Jesus.
b. They were still not fully decided if they truly and fully believed Him.

2. Their questions

a. They were surprised to hear Jesus speak so boldly in the temple.
b. They knew that the Jewish authorities had put a word out against Jesus.
c. They knew that the Jews wanted to kill Jesus.
d. They wondered if the rulers knew what was really going on.

3. Their doubts about Jesus being the Messiah

a. They knew who Jesus was… with reference to His earthly identity.
b. Their knowledge about the Messiah was that He would appear mysteriously.
c. Since they knew who Jesus was, they doubted that He was the Messiah. They were so wrong!

经文:约翰福音 7:25-27



1. 他们是传道人


2. 他们是老师


3. 他们是先知


4. 关于弥赛亚的预言





“耶路撒冷人中有的说:‘这不是他们想要杀的人吗?你看,他还明明地讲道,他们也不向他说什么,难道官长真知道这是基督吗? 然而我们知道这个人从哪里来,只是基督来的时候,没有人知道他从哪里来。’”

《约翰福音 7:25-27》

1. “耶路撒冷人中有的说”

a. 他们可能是耶稣的 “信徒”
b. 他们还没有完全地决定自己是否真正的信靠祂

2. 他们的问题

a. 他们因听到耶稣明明地讲道而感到惊讶
b. 他们知道犹太权势说了反对耶稣的话
c. 他们知道犹太人要把耶稣杀了
d. 他们想知道官长们是否了解正在发生的事

3. 他们对耶稣身为弥赛亚的怀疑

a. 他们知道耶稣在世的身份
b. 他们对于弥赛亚的理解是,祂将会以很神秘的方式出现
c. 因为他们知道耶稣是谁,他们怀疑祂就是弥赛亚。但是,他们的理解有误了!