Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 136

Reiteration of a Truth

Text: John 8: 50-51


Jesus was deeply committed to teaching and proclaiming the truth. Once again, He felt it necessary to reiterate the following truths He had been proclaiming.

“And I do not seek My own glory; there is One who seeks and judges. Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.”

John 8:50-51

1. The truth about why Jesus was preaching and teaching

a) “I do not seek My own glory”
b) This should have been obvious.
i) He told those He healed not to speak of Him.
ii) He sought to give to God the glory that was rightly His.

2. “There is One who seeks and judges”

a) The Jews spoke with impunity against Jesus.
b) They may not have realised this vital truth.
i) God is the Supreme Judge.
ii) He will search the human heart and mind.
iii) He knows what was in the hearts and minds of the Jews.
iv) Shouldn’t the Jews be afraid that God would examine them and judge them?

3. Another gracious invitation issued

a) “If anyone keeps My word”
i) It begins with receiving His word.
ii) And then believing it.
iii) And finally keeping it.
b) The believer would not see death.
i) This is a glorious promise of Jesus.
ii) Most graciously, He was inviting His enemies to believe in Him.
iii) They would never taste death.
iv) They would have everlasting life instead.

How wonderfully gracious Jesus was to His sworn enemies

经文: 约翰福音8:50-51




《约翰福音8: 50-51》

1.耶 稣为何要教训人和传道的真相

a) “我不求自己的荣耀”
b) 这应该是很明显的
i) 祂吩咐被祂医治的人们不要对外宣扬祂的作为
ii) 祂寻求把所有的荣耀归于上帝,因为这是祂配得到的


a) 犹太人都指证耶稣有罪
b) 们可能没有意识到这重要的真理
i) 上帝才是最崇高的判官
ii) 祂会鉴察人的心思意念
iii) 祂知道犹太人的心思和念头

3. 又一个富恩典的邀请

a) “人若遵守我的道”
i) 这从领受祂的道开始
ii) 然后,相信祂的道
iii) 最终,遵守祂的道
b) 信徒们会不见死
i) 这是耶稣富有荣耀的应许
ii) 耶稣富有恩典地邀请祂的敌人来相信祂
iii) 如相信,他们将永远不尝死味
iv) 相反的,他们会得到永生
