Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 138

The Identity of Jesus

Text: John 8: 54-55


Once again, Jesus sought to help the Jews to understand the truth of what He was saying. His patience was truly phenomenal!

“Jesus answered, ‘If I honour Myself, My honour is nothing. It is My Father who honours Me, of whom you say that He is your God. Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him. And if I say, ‘I do not know Him,’ I shall be a liar like you; but I do know Him and keep His word.’”

John 8:54-55

1. “Jesus answered”

a) The Jews had asked Him who He made Himself out to be.
b) This was the answer Jesus gave.

2. “If I honour Myself, My honour is nothing”

a) The Jews had asked Jesus if He thought He was greater than Abraham and the prophets.
b) This was indeed a matter of honour.

3. “It is My Father who honours Me”

a) The Father called Jesus “Son”.
b) Abraham was called “friend of God”.
c) The prophets were called “servants of God”.
d) If there is honour Jesus spoke of… as the Son of God… this was an honour given to Him.

4. “Of whom you say that He is your God”

a) It was God who has put a seal on Jesus (John 6:27).
b) It was God who has empowered Him.
c) It was God who made Him the Messiah.
d) This God whom the Jews claimed to believe in was the One who had honoured Jesus!

5. “Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him”

a) The Jews had shown clearly that they did not truly know God.
b) On the other hand Jesus could not help but declare that He knew God.

6. “If I say, ‘I do not know Him’”

a) Then Jesus would be a liar… just like the Jews.
b) He has to continue to preach and keep His word even if He is severely opposed or rejected.






1. “耶稣回答说”

a) 犹太人问耶稣将自己当做什么人
b) 这就是耶稣给予的回应

2. “我若荣耀自己,我的荣耀就算不得什么”

a) 犹太人问耶稣祂是否认为自己比亚伯拉罕和众先知还大
b) 这件事关键的地方在于荣耀

3. “荣耀我的乃是我的父”

a) 天父称耶稣为“儿子”
b) 亚伯拉罕被称为“神的朋友”
c) 众先知被称为“神的仆人”
d) 若说耶稣以上帝的儿子有这份荣耀,这也只是给予祂的荣耀

4. “就是你们所说是你们的神”

a) 是上帝印证了耶稣《约翰福音6:27》
b) 是上帝将权柄授予耶稣
c) 是上帝膏立耶稣为弥赛亚
d) 犹太人声称所信的上帝,就是荣耀耶稣的上帝!

5. “你们未曾认识他,我却认识他。”

a) 犹太人清楚显露了他们并没有真正认识上帝
b) 另一方面,耶稣不得不表明祂认识上帝

6. “我若说不认识他”

a) 那耶稣就是在说谎,就像犹太人一样
b) 即使耶稣受到强烈的反对或被拒绝,祂还是得继续传道和遵守上帝的道