Daily Devotions


Day 44

"The former dominion shall come"

Text: Micah 4:8


The kingdom of David would always be remembered as “the golden era”. Empowered by the LORD, David built the kingdom of Israel till it was established (2 Samuel 1-5).

“And you, O tower of the flock,
The stronghold of the daughter of Zion,
To you shall it come,
Even the former dominion shall come,
The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.”
Micah 4:8

1. The initial army of David

a) It was made up of people who were in distress, people who were in debt (1 Samuel 22:2).
b) There were four hundred of these over whom David was captain.

2. These proved to be faithful and loyal

a) They became the people who led the growing army of David.
b) Like the remnant who would return to Zion, God would create a strong nation.

3. “The stronghold of the daughter of Zion”

a) This was a reference to Jerusalem.
b) An old proverb of the Jebusites who controlled the stronghold.

“You shall not come in here;
but the blind and the lame will repel you…”
2 Samuel 5:6

c) David managed to conquer Jerusalem and made it his stronghold (2 Samuel 5:6-10).
i) It was called “Zion”.
ii) Also, “The City of David” (2 Samuel 5:7).
d) “The daughter of Zion”
i) This was a tender and affectionate term. It was used to describe the people who dwelt there.
ii) Zion would be the stronghold of the weak and humble.

4. “To you shall it come, even the former dominion shall come”

a) The personal pronoun “you” is a reference to Zion.
b) The former dominion
i) Jerusalem had a strong presence.
ii) Its power and dominion would also be there in the future Zion.

5. “The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem”

The future kingdom will be established with the Messiah reigning over the kingdom!