Daily Devotions


Day 49

"Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion"

Text: Micah 4:13


Micah foresaw the future where Zion would be redeemed by the LORD. He thus wrote with hope and joy in the LORD.

“Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion;
For I will make your horn iron,
And I will make your hooves bronze;
You shall beat in pieces many peoples;
I will consecrate their gain to the LORD,
And their substance to the Lord of the whole earth.”
Micah 4:13

1. A picture of the redeemed Zion

a) It would continue to be called affectionately, “Daughter of Zion”.
b) But Zion would no longer be slaves of the Babylonians, weak and helpless.

2. “Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion”

a) The Lord of the harvest was God Himself.
b) He will authorize and empower the daughter to arise and thresh.

3. God would empower His daughter

a) “Horn iron”
i) Horns protected the animals who possessed them.
ii) Horns represented power.
iii) Iron horns represent great power.
b) Bronze hooves
i) Hooves were the feet of animals.
ii) The clean animals had cloven hooves.
iii) The cloven hooves enable the animals to climb high hills safely and surely.

4. “You shall beat in pieces many peoples”

a) There would always be enemies.
b) But the redeemed daughter of Zion would be empowered and would be able to defeat their enemies.


The leaders of redeemed Israel would make this most appropriate response to the LORD!

1. “I will consecrate their gain to the LORD and their substance to the Lord”

2. This would be Zion’s grateful response to the LORD God!

This response would reflect the new heart and spirit of the redeemed daughter of Zion!