Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 243

The Rejection of Jesus

Text: John 12: 48


Did the Jews really understand the significance of rejecting Jesus and His teachings? Jesus spoke graciously in the hope that there might be repentance. He explained the problem of rejecting His words.

“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him – the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.”

John 12:48

1. “He who rejects Me”

a. Jesus was obviously speaking to the very people who had outrightly rejected Him.
b. These people had not just simply rejected Him but had resorted to insulting Him.
i. They had called Him “a Samaritan” (John 8:48).
ii. They had accused Him of having a demon (John 8:48).

2. “And does not receive My words”

a. The words of Jesus represented His teachings.
b. Jesus and His words are inextricably bound.
c. Not receiving His words is the same as not receiving Jesus.
d. Rejecting His words is the same as rejecting Jesus.

3. “Has that which judges him”

a. One day all will be judged.
b. The people who had rejected Jesus would be held accountable.
c. They would have to explain to God why they had rejected Jesus.
d. They would not be able to give any excuses.
e. There would be a special witness that would speak against them.

4. “The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day”

a. The word of Jesus would bear solemn witness against those who reject Jesus.
b. This was a solemn truth that Jesus had to emphasise to His hearers.
c. Should they not think carefully before they reject His word?


This teaching was noted by the Apostle John.

1. There will be a Final Judgment (John 5:28-29).

2. On Judgment Day, all would have to account for their deeds, whether good or evil (John 5:29).

The word of Jesus would judge those who had rejected Him.

经文:约翰福音 12: 48




《约翰福音 12:48》

1. “弃绝我……的人”

a. 耶稣是在指那些公然弃绝祂的人
b. 他们不但弃绝祂,他们也侮辱了耶稣
i. 他们称祂为“撒马利亚人” 《约翰福音 8:48》
ii. 他们控告耶稣被鬼附身 《约翰福音 8:48》

2. “不领受我话的人”

a. 耶稣的话就是祂的道
b. 耶稣和祂的道是息息相关的
c. 不领受耶稣的话就相等于不领受耶稣
d. 弃绝耶稣的道就是弃绝耶稣

3. “有审判他的”

a. 有一天,所有人都会受审判
b. 弃绝耶稣的人将会被问责
c. 他们必须向上帝解释他们弃绝耶稣的理由
d. 他们无法给任何借口
e. 一个特别的证人会定他们的罪

4. “就是我所讲的道在末日要审判他”

a. 耶稣的道会成为定所有弃绝耶稣的人的罪的证据
b. 耶稣必须向听祂道的人强调这严肃的真理
c. 他们在弃绝耶稣的道之前应当明确地思考后果!



1. 最后的审判将会发生 《约翰福音 5:28-29》

2. 在审判日,每个人都需要为自己行善或作恶的行为负责任 《约翰福音 5:29》
