Jesus is the Example of what a servant of God should be;

He listens to the lessons God teaches with deep humility.

He waits on God to give Him the tongue of the learned;

He emerges a true Teacher of God’s glorious Word.


Each morning Jesus sought the Father in tender prayer;

He rises early in the morning to bring to God all His cares.

He trains His ears to listen to every subtle tone of God’s voice;

And as He understands, His heart is able to truly rejoice.


He is unafraid of all the opposition that He would face;

He knows that He will always have God’s ample grace.

His trust in the Father is absolutely full and complete;

He knows the strength that God gives would be replete.


“For the LORD God will help Me,” is His confidence;

Thus, He need not fear that there will be impotence.

He would never need to fear that He would be disgraced;

For His Father will always be there to protect and to save.


Inspiration: Isaiah 50:7

Charles Tan