Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 268

Knowledge about Heaven

Text: John 14: 2


In Judaism, the focus is life on earth. The Sadducees had no theology about heaven. They did not believe in the Resurrection at all. The Pharisees were a little better, but still their knowledge about Heaven was not marked by glory and joy. Jesus’ teaching about Heaven was wonderfully different.

“In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you.”

John 14:2

1. “In My Father’s house”

a. Jesus spoke of heaven as His “Father’s house”
b. What is the significance of this statement?
i. Heaven was an actual place
ii. It may be thought of as the dwelling place of God
iii. This thought ought to bring a sense of comfort and joy to the heart

2. “Are many mansions”

a. The word “mansion” can create a wrong impression
i. Heaven is not made up of many districts
ii. The mansions are not meant to be thought of as “bungalows”
iii. It is not a landed property kind of estate
b. The word “mansions” simply means “rooms”
c. In God’s House (Heaven.
i. All would live under one roof
ii. Heaven is so huge that there is an uncountable number of rooms for all His children
iii. There will be perfect harmony
iv. God will be there as Father and He is happy to have His children live with Him forever

3. “If it were not so, I would have told you”

a. This is one of the clearest teachings about the place called Heaven
b. If Heaven is real, then the heart should not feel so troubled
c. To die simply means that we would be in Heaven with God the Father


Paul was unafraid to die for the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, if he had a choice, he would have preferred to die and be with the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. Life on this earth is only temporary. Life with God in heaven is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:14). Thus, he could write with great joy and confidence.

“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain”

Philippians 1:21

经文:约翰福音 14:2




《约翰福音 14:2》

1. “在我父的家里”

a. 耶稣把天国称为祂 “父的家”
b. 这句话有什么重大意义呢?
i. 天国是一个实在的地方
ii. 它能被设想为上帝的居所
iii. 这个想法应该为我们心里带来安慰及喜乐

2. “有许多住处”

a. “住处”这词可能会制造错误的印像
i. 天国并不是以许多区域形成的
ii. 这些住处指的并不是不同的 “平房”
iii. 这不是指有私人房地产的住宅区
b. “住处” 简单来说指的是 “房间”
c. 在上帝的家里(天国)
i. 大家都会住在同一个屋檐下
ii. 天国之庞大能容下无数的房间,给上帝所有的儿女
iii. 这里会有最完美的和谐
iv. 在天国,上帝会是父,祂会欢心与祂的儿女永远住在一起

3. “若是没有,我就早已告诉你们了”

a. 这是其中一个有关天国最清楚的教训
b. 如果天国是真实的,那心里就不应该感到如此忧愁
c. 死亡仅表示我们会在天国与父神同在


保罗并不害怕为主耶稣基督而死。事实上,若他能选择,他宁愿死,然后到天国与主耶稣基督同在。世间的生命只是暂时性的。然而,与上帝在天国的生命才是永恒的《哥林多后书 4:14》。因此,他能够以极大的喜乐与信心来写。


《腓立比书 1:21》