Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 270

Uncertainties Uncovered

Text: John 14: 4-5


The teaching of Jesus was clear. But what was taught and what was learned may not be exactly the same thing.

“And where I go you know, and the way you know. Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going, and how can we know the way?’”

John 14:4-5

1. Jesus: “And where I go you know”

a. Jesus had just said that He was going to His Father’s House (Heaven)
b. This truth was made very clear

2. “And the way you know”

a. The Disciples had heard Jesus speak on this subject many times
b. Always it had to do with believing in Jesus
c. Thus, He had urged His disciples to believe in Him John 14:1

3. Thomas: “Lord, we do not know where you are going”

a. The word “know” can be translated as “certain”
b. We are not very certain where you are going
c. The following problems were uncovered:
i. A lack of knowledge
ii. A lack of clarity of understanding
iii. A lack of faith
iv. A lack of certainty
d. “And how can we know the way?”
i. Thomas was not exactly sure what Jesus meant when He spoke about “the way”
ii. He was looking for more concrete ideas
iii. Was it something they should do to be sure of the way to Heaven?
iv. The teachings of Jesus were apparently not enough for Thomas to have certainty in his heart
v. There were doubts as to what Jesus meant
vi. There were questions in his mind that were not answered yet
Thus he was not able to speak confidently of having full and vibrant faith in the Lord Jesus

经文:约翰福音 14:4-5




《约翰福音 14:4-5》

1. 耶稣: “我往哪里去你们知道”

a. 耶稣刚说祂要往祂父的家去(天国)
b. 这真理已被清楚解释

2. “那条路你们也知道”

a. 门徒已多次听过耶稣谈论这个话题
b. 这总是与信靠耶稣有关
c. 因此,耶稣力劝祂的门徒相信祂《约翰福音 14:1》

3. 多马: “主啊,我们不知道你往哪里去”

a. “知道”这词可译为“确定”
b. 他们并不太确定祂要往哪里去
c. 以下的问题被揭开:
i. 缺乏知识
ii. 缺乏清晰度的理解
iii. 缺乏信心
iv. 缺乏确定性
d. “怎么知道那条路呢?”
i. 多马不清楚耶稣所谈到的“路”究竟是什么意思
ii. 他在寻找更具体的想法
iii. 这指的是他们为确定往天国的路所要做的事吗?
iv. 耶稣的教训显然不足以让多马心感确定
v. 多马对耶稣所说的感到疑惑
vi. 他心中有些问题尚未得到解答