How carefully the LORD has planned our Salvation!

Many details are included, like His daily Provision.

The Plan of Salvation was lovingly planned;

We can see His invisible but wondrous Hand.


How graciously the LORD has planned our Salvation!

He knows that we would still need His Protection.

There would be enemies who would defy His plans;

But the LORD would always be near at hand.


How lovingly the LORD has planned our Salvation!

He has covered every detail in His Determinations.

He knows how the heart is cheered through benefits daily;

He knows how much we will need His grace and mercy.


How should we respond to the God of our Salvation?

Surely, it is natural to bless His name in jubilation!

The Lord’s name must be extolled for all He has done;

May our hears ever praise Him from morn to set of sun!

Inspiration: Psalm 68:19-20

Charles Tan