Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 307

Remembering The Word Of Jesus

Text: John 15: 20


Jesus had taught His Disciples many deep and precious lessons. He reminded them of the need to remember what had been taught so that they would not be afraid of the hatred of the world.

“Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecute Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.”

John 15:20

1. “Remember the word that I said to you”

a. “Remembering the word”
i. This must be done.
ii. It requires discipline.
iii. It is also an exercise of wisdom.
b. Practical steps:
i. Memorize the Lord’s word.
ii. Recall often.
iii. Reflect prayerfully and apply consciously in life and ministry.

2. “A servant is not greater than his master”

a. This was noted in Matthew 10:24.
b. This was also noted in Luke 6:40.
c. This was captured here in John 15:20.
d. This is a vital truth that must be understood and applied humbly:
i. Jesus is our Master.
ii. We are but humble servants of His (even if we are called “friends”).

3. “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you”

a. Persecution of Jesus was evident.
b. The Disciples must be prepared for persecution.

4. “If they kept My word, they will keep yours also”

a. The fact was that the word of Jesus was not kept.
b. The Disciples must not expect that the world would keep their word.
c. If the word of Jesus was kept then the word of the Disciples would be kept too.

The challenge is to remember and to practise the word that Jesus taught His Disciples with a strong faith.





《约翰福音 15:20》

1. “记念我从前对你们所说的话”

a. 记念话语
i. 这是必要的
ii. 这需要纪律
iii. 这也得运用到智慧

b. 实际的行动:
i. 牢记上帝的话语
ii. 时常回想
iii. 要沉思祷告,并运用在生命和职事里

2. “仆人不能大于主人”

a. 《马太福音 10:24》记载了这真理
b. 《路加福音 6:40》也记载了这真理
c. 我们在《约翰福音 15:20》又看到了这真理
d. 这重要的真理必须被了解,及谦卑地运用:
i. 耶稣是我们的主人
ii. 我们只不过是谦卑的仆人(即使我们被称为 “朋友”)

3. “他们若逼迫了我,也要逼迫你们”

a. 耶稣很明显地被逼迫了
b. 门徒们也要准备被逼迫

4. “若遵守了我的话,也要遵守你们的话”

a. 事实是他们并没有遵守耶稣的话
b. 门徒们不能期待世人遵守他们的话
c. 如果他们遵守耶稣的话,那他们也会遵守门徒们的话
