Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 308

Persecution Anticipated

Text: John 15: 21


Jesus had already taught His Disciples that they might be persecuted (Matthew 5:10-12). Once again, He reiterated this word of warning concerning persecution.

“But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.” 

John 15:21

1. “But all these things they will do to you”

a. Persecution will take place Matthew 5:10, 11
b. Reviling Matthew 5:11
c. Speaking all kinds of evil against you falsely Matthew 5:11
d. They also persecuted the prophets of old Matthew 5:12

2. “For My name’s sake”

a. Identification with Jesus
b. Following Jesus
c. Obeying Him
d. Proclaiming His gospel

There must not be fear when people speak against us as Disciples of Jesus.

3. “Because they do not know Him who sent Me”

a. Generally speaking:
i. Not everyone believes in the Lord.
ii. Thus, they do not know the Person whom God has sent to be the Saviour.
b. Specifically speaking:
i. There is little knowledge about the prophecies concerning the Messiah (Meaning: “The Anointed One of God”).
ii. Many do not know that the LORD had sent Jesus to save the world.
c. A lack of knowledge of God:
i. This is a problem that we can resolve.
ii. Our challenge is to set aside time to read the Scriptures a little more.
iii. Through better knowledge of the Scriptures, we would not fear hatred or persecution from the world.
d. The world lacks knowledge of God and of His Son and thus it would remain hostile to all true Disciples of Jesus! Let us seek grace and strength from the Lord to triumph over all odds!

经文:约翰福音 15:21


耶稣已教导门徒们他们必定被逼迫《马太福音 5:10-12》。祂重申了他们将会被逼迫的警告。


《约翰福音 15:21》

1. “但他们因我的名要向你们行这一切的事”

a. 他们会被逼迫 《马太福音 5:10,11》
b. 辱骂 《马太福音 5:11》
c. 捏造各样坏话毁谤你们 《马太福音 5:11》
d. 他们也逼迫以前的先知 《马太福音 5:12》

2. “因我的名”

a. 与耶稣认同
b. 跟随耶稣
c. 顺从耶稣
d. 宣传祂的福音


3. “因为他们不认识那差我来的”

a. 大略的解释:
i. 不是每一个人都相信耶稣
ii. 因此,他们不认识上帝差遣的救主
b. 仔细的解释:
i. 他们对关于弥赛亚的预言的知识不多(意思为:“上帝的受膏者”)
ii. 很多人不知道上帝差遣了耶稣来拯救世人
c. 缺乏对上帝的知识:
i. 这是我们可以决解的问题
ii. 我们的挑战是多花时间阅读经文
iii. 通过对经文更深的了解,我们不会害怕世人的憎恨或逼迫
d. 世人因为缺乏对上帝和祂儿子的知识,所以对耶稣真正的门徒们仍会怀有敌意!让我们从主里寻求恩典和力量,战胜一切困难!