The Hope Of The Scriptures

by Pastor Mark
July 25, 2019

Finding hope in the Scriptures

We all need hope in facing the challenges of life and ministry. It is through faith that we are able to have hope. But how can we find this hope? One way to find hope is through the Scriptures. The Scriptures is a wonderful means of discovering hope as we study and learn from it.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the brethren in Rome about how they could find this wonderful hope through the Scriptures. As he was writing concerning their practical care for each other, he stated what the Scriptures were meant for.

The purpose of the Scriptures

“For whatever things were written before were written for our learning,” (Rom 15:4)

The writing of the Scriptures had a purpose. God wrote the Old Testament with a divine purpose in mind. God specially recorded all of Scripture to be carefully studied. The purpose of the Scripture is for our learning. The Greek word “didaskalia” means instruction or teaching. Whatever things that were written in the Scripture were meant for instruction and for teaching. We are to learn much from it.

Paul used the example of the Lord Jesus. He too learnt from the Scriptures. Paul wrote, “For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written,” (Rom 15:3) The Lord did not seek to please Himself as He sought to do His ministry because there would be those who would reproach Him. He drew His understanding from the Scriptures such as Ps 69. Let us be instructed and to learn to find hope from the Scriptures.

The patience and comfort of the Scriptures

There were two ways in which we can draw hope from the Scriptures.

“that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.” (Rom 15:4)

1. Patience of the Scriptures

The Greek word for patience is “hupomone” which means to “persevere”. When we learn from the Scriptures diligently, we would have perseverance. We would be inspired by the Word of God to persevere on.

2. Comfort of the Scriptures

The Greek word for “comfort” is “paraklesis”. It means “a call to come alongside”. It is someone coming alongside and giving words of encouragement to the person. Studying the Scriptures would generate great encouragement to the soul. There comes the encouragement to bring an uplift to the heart. Let us be encouraged by the Lord’s Word.

3. The hope of the Scriptures

Faith and hope come through the Scriptures. As we have more faith, hope also is generated. As we cultivate our faith through having more perseverance from the Scriptures, we have hope to carry on. As we draw more encouragement from the Scripture, we have hope to be lifted up and to move on. It is through the Scriptures that we can learn to have hope.

Let us continue to learn to have perseverance and encouragement from the Scriptures. Let us continue to have hope through our study of the Scriptures in our life and ministry.

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