Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 338

The Gift Of Joy

Text: John 17: 13


If we do not read carefully, we would think that Jesus’ life was filled with nothing but work. There may have been little mention of “joy” but it was nevertheless there.

“But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.” 

John 17:13

1. “But now I come to You”

a. The thought of seeing the Father must have been one filled with joy.
b. We read about the joy that is found in God’s presence.
“In Your presence is fullness of joy…”
Psalm 16:11b

2. “And these things I speak in the world”

a. The things Jesus spoke about involved “the word of God” obviously.
b. The word of God generates joy.
c. This is testified to by the Psalmist who wrote Psalm 119.
“Your statutes have been my songs…”
Psalm 119:54
“I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure.”
Psalm 119:162
“Your law is my delight.”
Psalm 119:174

3. “That they may have My joy”

a. Jesus’ kind of joy was different from many.
i. Joy in the company of His Father.
ii. Joy in prayer.
iii. Joy in ministry.
iv. Joy in the word of God.
b. Jesus wanted His joy to be received by His Disciples.
i. Joy is not to be taken for granted.
ii. Joy is to be prayed for.

4. “Fulfilled in themselves”

a. The word “fulfilled” means “made complete”.
b. He was speaking of fulness of joy.
c. This joy must not only be understood it must also fill the heart and mind to be complete.

经文:约翰福音 17: 13




《约翰福音 17:13》

1. “现在我往你那里去”

a. 想到能看到天父一定叫祂充满了喜乐
b. 我们读到了在上帝面前所找到的喜乐
《诗篇 16:11b》

2. “我还在世上说这话”

a. 耶稣所谈到的事显然与“上帝的话语”有关
b. 上帝的话语能带来喜乐
c. 写《诗篇 119》的诗者见证了这一点
《诗篇 119:54》
《诗篇 119:162》
《诗篇 119:174》

3. “是叫他们心里充满我的喜乐”

a. 耶稣的喜乐与许多人不同
i. 在祂父的陪伴下的喜乐
ii. 在祈祷里的喜乐
iii. 在职事里的喜乐
iv. 在上帝的话语里的喜乐
b. 耶稣希望祂的门徒也会得到祂的喜乐
i. 不要把喜乐视为理所当然
ii. 要为获得这喜乐而祈祷

4. “他们心里充满”

a. “充满”这词表示“得以完全”
b. 祂说的是充满喜乐
c. 这种喜乐不仅必须被理解,它还必须充满心思意念才能完全