Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 342

Sent Into The World

Text: John 17: 18 - 19


Jesus had a clear and strong sense of understanding of being sent by God into the world. He never lost this focus and understanding. He prayed for His Disciples as He sent them.

“As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth.”

John 17:18-19

1. “As You sent Me into the world”

a. Jesus was conscious of being sent:
i. To call people to salvation.
ii. To train disciples.
iii. To be a light to the world.
iv. To suffer and die on the Cross to bring about salvation.
b. He had fulfilled all that the Father had sent Him to do.
i. He had glorified the Father.
ii. He had manifested His name.
iii. He had done everything that was expected of Him.

2. “I also have sent them into the world”

a. The 12 Disciples were sent (Matthew 10).
b. Another 70 Disciples were sent (Luke 10).
c. More would be sent later (Matthew 28:18-20).

3. “And for their sakes I sanctify Myself “

a. Jesus sanctified Himself as an example for His Disciples.
b. Because He was sanctified, He brought them into His sphere of sanctification or holiness.

4. “That they also may be sanctified by the truth”

a. Jesus would sanctify them by the truth He taught them.
b. The word of truth He taught them would help to sanctify them.
c. Sanctification was a work that Jesus did daily in the lives of His Disciples.
d. The truth He taught cleansed them.
e. The Word of God He taught helped them to grow in holiness.

经文:约翰福音 17:18-19




《约翰福音 17:18-19》

1. “你怎样差我到世上”

a. 耶稣意识到祂被差遣到世上是为了:
i. 招呼人们得救
ii. 训练门徒
iv. 在十字架上受苦并钉死以给予救赎
b. 祂成就了一切天父差祂来完成的事
i. 祂荣耀了父
ii. 祂将天父的名显明


a. 耶稣差遣十二门徒《马太福音 10》
b. 另外差遣七十个门徒《路加福音 10》
c. 接下来会差遣更多《马太福音 28:18-20》


a. 耶稣自己分别为圣是为给门徒树立一个榜样
b. 因为耶稣成圣,祂把门徒带入了祂成圣或圣洁的领域


a. 耶稣会以祂教导门徒的真理叫他们成圣
b. 耶稣教导门徒的真理会帮助他们成圣
c. 让门徒成为圣洁是耶稣每日在门徒的生活中所做的工作
d. 祂教导的真理将洗净他们
e. 耶稣所教导的上帝的话语会帮助他们在圣洁上有长进