24 August 2019

Leadership Retreat 2019 : Session 2

Leadership Retreat 2019 : Session 2
Text: Philippians 2:25-30

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Leadership Retreat 2019

Message Notes

23-24 August 2019

Theme: “Counted Faithful to be put in the Ministry” 1 Timothy 1:12

Saturday, 24 August 2019
Session #2

(Philippians 2:25-30)

1. Commendation of Epaphroditus

a) High words of praise
b) Well-earned (not politeness)

2. Features:

a) My brother (Philippians 2:25a)
i) Brotherhood in Christ (Hebrews 2:11)
ii) Generic term
iii) Special usage (Use of the article instead of a personal pronoun)
iv) An outstanding brother
b) Fellow-worker (Philippians 2:25b)
i) The use of the preposition (“sun” συν)
ii) One who works alongside
iii) One who works alongside very closely
c) Fellow-soldier (Philippians 2:25c)
i) Context of the mighty Roman army
ii) Famous for its discipline, courage, strength and more
iii) Spiritual army/ spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Timothy 2)
iv) Tested and proven soldier
d) But your messenger (Philippians 2:25d)
i) Epaphroditus was “Sent” by the church of Philippi
ii) The word “messenger” hides a special significance
iii) He regarded almost as “an apostle” by the church
e) The one who ministered to my needs (Philippians 2:25e)
i) The word “ministered” here (leitourgos λειτουργος)
ii) Nuance: One who serves people
iii) Another nuance: One who labours hard
iv) He ministered humbly to look after Paul’s needs (physical/ in prison)

3. The Context of the Ministry of Epaphroditus
His heart for the Philippians

a) A caring heart
He was longing for you all (Philippians 2:26)
b) A tender heart
And was distressed because you had heard that he was sick (Philippians 2:26)
c) A sacrificial heart
He was sick almost unto death (Philippians 2:27)

4. God’s grace and favour manifested on such outstanding servants

a) God’s mercy on Epaphroditus
b) And also on Paul (Philippians 2:27)
i) Sorrow if Epaphroditus had died
ii) Even greater sorrow for he would have died serving Paul

5. Regard of such leaders

a) To be received in the Lord (Philippians 2:29a)
b) With all gladness (Philippians 2:29b)
c) To be held in esteem (Philippians 2:29c)

6. Reasons

a) The work of Christ
Because for the work of Christ (Philippians 2:30a)
b) Risk of death
He came close to death (Philippians 2:30b)
c) Life on the line
Not regarding his life (Philippians 2:30c)
d) Above the call of duty
To supply what was lacking in your service toward me (Philippians 2:30d)


1. Faith of the leader

a) An outstanding personal faith
b) An exemplary faith
c) An inspirational faith

2. Brotherhood-leadership

a) This would prevent possible abuse in leadership position
b) This would enhance effectiveness of leadership

3. The blessings of the Lord:

a) On the leader
b) On the church



Brotherhood is a teaching that is profound;
It takes much to make brotherly love abound.
Paul’s friendship with friends offers inspiration;
A true sense of brotherhood is a worthy aspiration.

It takes character to be a true spiritual brother;
There is no thought of self but only of the other.
There may be some sacrifice to life and limb;
To practise true brotherhood is more than a whim.

True brotherhood is to be found in deep faith and love;
Brethren draw much grace and strength from above;
The Lord is pleased to see believers deepen their friendship;
Together, the three-fold cord formed withstands all hardship.

It is an inspiration to know that such brotherhood exists;
The uplifted souls of brothers experience blessedness.
Every friendship and brotherhood would be tested ultimately;
That which passes the test of fire is blessed by God infinitely.

Charles Tan
Inspiration: Philippians 2:25-30; Proverbs 17:17