Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of John)
我夜间的歌曲 (约翰福音)
Day 425

Another Searching Question

Text: John 21: 16


Jesus had graciously accepted the answer of Peter, though it was not answered fully. Jesus went on to ask Peter a second time.

“He said to him again a second time, ‘Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?’ He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.’ He said to him, ‘Tend my sheep’”

John 21:16

1. “He said to him again a second time”

a. There were reasons behind this question posed to Peter a second time
b. Jesus does not do things without good reason

2. “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?”

a. Jesus did not ask Peter to compare his love for Him with other things
b. Nevertheless, the question of love for Jesus was raised again

3. Why was there this focus on “love”

a. Jesus knew the power and place of love
b. There was deep love between His Father and Himself
c. A strong bond of love would offer great strength and stability
d. Jesus wanted to help Peter to establish a strong bond of love with Him

4. “He said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.’”

a. Peter answered with the same words he uttered earlier
b. He would not dare to state more than he did
c. He had learned a big lesson
i. He would not overstate himself again
ii. Neither would he over-estimate his own strength of commitment
d. He appealed to the omniscience of Jesus
i. Jesus was all-knowing
ii. He would know the sincerity of the words that he had just spoken
iii. He did love Jesus!

5. “He said to him, ‘Tend my sheep’”

a. Jesus gently accepted what Peter had said
b. In further response, He entrusted to Peter the care of His sheep. He must shepherd the sheep!

经文:约翰福音 21:16




《约翰福音 21:16》

1. “耶稣第二次又对他说”

a. 耶稣第二次这么问彼得,背后是有原因的
b. 耶稣行事前定有好的原因

2. “约翰的儿子西门,你爱我吗?”

a. 耶稣没有要求彼得将他对耶稣的爱与其他事物相比
b. 然而,耶稣还是再次问彼得他是否爱祂

3. 为什么会把焦点放在“爱”上面

a. 耶稣知道爱的力量和位置
b. 祂与天父之间有着深厚的爱
c. 牢固的爱会促使强大的力量和稳定性
d. 耶稣要帮助彼得与祂建立这牢固的爱

4. “彼得说:‘主啊,是的,你知道我爱你。’”

a. 彼得用之前说过的话回答
b. 他不敢多说
c. 他上了一堂重要的课
i. 他不会再高估自己
ii. 他也不会高估自己内心对耶稣的承诺
d. 他恳求耶稣的全知
i. 耶稣是无所不知的
ii. 耶稣会知道他话中的诚意
iii. 他确实爱耶稣!

5. “耶稣说:‘你牧养我的羊。’”

a. 耶稣温柔地接受了彼得的话
b. 耶稣进一步回应,祂把照料祂的羊群的责任托付给彼得。彼得得牧养祂的羊!