Learning From The Growth Of The Lord Jesus

by Pastor Mark
January 16, 2020

The amazing example of the Lord Jesus

As we aspire to grow in 2020, let us look to the Lord Jesus as our example of how we should learn to grow. Jesus was only a child, and yet He learnt to grow in the proper way, in all areas of His life. (Luke 2:40) The Greek word for “grew” is “auzano” which means to “increase, to grow”. It is a word that indicates natural growth. Our spiritual growth should also be seen as something natural. This word “auzano” is also written in the imperfect tense, which indicates continuity. The Lord’s growth was seen as a continuous process. Let us learn to grow consistently rather than to have sporadic or erratic growth this year.

Growing in the grace of God

“and the grace of God was upon Him.” (Luke 2:40)

How was the Lord Jesus able to grow consistently? It was through the grace of God. This grace came upon the Lord Jesus and helped Him to grow. If the Lord Jesus, the Son of God Himself required the grace of God to help Him to grow, so much more us who are weak and frail. As we have the grace of God, let us be challenged to apply it into all areas of our lives.

Areas of growth

1. Strong in spirit… “And the Child grew and became strong in spirit,” (Luke 2:40)

The first area that Luke mentioned as a vital area of growth is the spirit of the Lord Jesus. It is indeed a key area to start with. The word “became strong” in Greek is “krataioo”. It was written in the imperfect tense, which indicates continuity. Jesus was continuously becoming stronger and stronger in spirit. It is the first area that we want to grow strong in.

2. Wisdom… “filled with wisdom” (Luke 2:40)

The word “filled” was written in the present passive tense. The use of the passive voice would indicate that this wisdom did not come from the Lord Himself but from His Father. The use of the present tense would suggest t­hat it is also a continuous process. Jesus was consistently being filled with wisdom from God. Luke also recorded that the Lord “increased” or “advanced” in wisdom. (Luke 2:52). Let us learn to grow and advance in the wisdom of God too.

3. Stature… “and stature…” (Luke 2:52)

Stature is not only a reference to the physical body of a person. It is a reference to the standing that one has. Whether it is in the community of the church or the world, we can grow in stature. As we seek to do well in all that we do, our standing would also grow.

4. Favour with God… “and in favour with God and men.” (Luke 2:52)

The Lord Jesus grew to be in favour with God. He had a close relationship with Him. (Isa 50) In relating with His Father closely and consistently, the Lord knew how to live His life and to carry out His ministry that would be pleasing to Him. His Father declared that He was well pleased with Him. (Luke 3:22) Let us be challenged to grow in favour with God.

5. Favour with men… “and in favour with God and men.” (Luke 2:52)

The Lord also grew in favour with men. He was blameless in all His ways. It was not just a matter of having a good reputation. It was having the kind of growth in the eyes of men that they too were pleased with Him. Let us be challenged to grow in all areas of life through God’s grace as we enter into 2020.

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