Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 115

Text: Genesis 20: 6-7


Genesis 20:6-7

6 And God said to him in a dream, “Yes, I know that you did this in the integrity of your heart. For I also withheld you from sinning against Me; therefore I did not let you touch her.
7 Now therefore, restore the man’s wife; for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you shall live. But if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours.”


1. God’s reply to Abimelech

a. Abimelech’s integrity
This was acknowledged.
i. In this instance, the word “integrity” is quite relative.
ii. God was very gracious when He accepted his plea concerning personal “integrity”.
b. God’s prevention
God prevented Abimelech from sinning against Sarah and Abraham.

2. God’s command

a. He must restore Sarah to Abraham.
b. He must ask Abraham for his intercession in prayer.
c. If Abimelech does not restore Sarah:
i. He would be slain.
ii. His family would also be killed.
iii. Others who may be abetting him would also perish.

3. The standing of Abraham

a. He is to be regarded as a prophet.
b. And as a prophet, his prayers would be heard.
c. Abimelech would have to humble himself before Abraham.
d. By taking Sarah away from Abraham, he showed great disrespect to a prophet.

经文:创世记 20:6-7


《创世记 20:6-7》

7 现在你把这人的妻子归还他,因为他是先知,他要为你祷告,使你存活。你若不归还他,你当知道,你和你所有的人都必要死。”


1. 上帝对亚比米勒的答复

a. 亚比米勒的正直
i. 在这种情况下,他的“正直”是相对的
ii. 当亚比米勒基于个人的“正直”恳求上帝而被接受时,上帝是极为富恩慈的
b. 上帝的拦阻

2. 上帝的命令

a. 他必须把撒拉归还亚伯拉罕
b. 他必须请求亚伯拉罕为他代求
c. 如果亚比米勒不把撒拉归还亚伯拉罕:
i. 亚比米勒将会被杀
ii. 他的家人也将被杀
iii. 与他同谋的人也将灭亡

3. 亚伯拉罕的地位

a. 他被尊为先知
b. 身为先知,他的祷告必蒙垂听
c. 亚比米勒必须在亚伯拉罕面前自卑
d. 亚比米勒把撒拉从亚伯拉罕身边带走,将对先知有极大的不敬