Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 125

Text: Genesis 21: 17-21


Genesis 21:17-21

17 And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said to her, “What ails you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is.
18 Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation.”
19 Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the lad a drink.
20 So God was with the lad; and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer.
21 He dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran; and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt.


1. Hearing the voice of Ishmael

a. This must have been a plaintive cry for help.
b. Ishmael may have found faith in God as he grew up in Abraham’s home.

2. The Angel of the LORD

a. Graciously, He reached out to Hagar once again.
b. He reminded her of the promise that was given some years ago.
c. God would make Ishmael a great nation yet.

3. Eyes opened

God caused her eyes to see a well of water. Hagar went to get water for herself and Ishmael.

4. The Presence of God

a. Kindly, the Lord was with Ishmael.
b. Ishmael learned how to survive as an archer-hunter in the wilderness of Paran.
c. The years passed and Hagar found a wife for her son.

God had not deserted them though they had to endure some suffering in life.

经文:创世记 21:17-21


《创世记 21:17-21》
17神听见童子的声音, 神的使者从天上呼叫夏甲说:“夏甲,你为何这样呢?不要害怕,神已经听见童子的声音了。
18起来, 把童子抱在怀中,我必使他的后裔成为大国。”



1. 听见以实玛利的声音

a. 这一定是一个求救的哀怨
b. 以实玛利或许在亚伯拉罕的家成长时找到了在上帝里的信心

2. 上帝的使者

a. 祂充满恩典,再次呼叫夏甲
b. 祂提醒了她,几年前已收到的应许
c. 上帝会让以实玛利的后裔成为大国

3. 眼睛明亮


4. 上帝的同在

a. 上帝富有恩典地与以实玛利同在
b. 以实玛利成了弓箭手,在巴兰的旷野生存
c. 过几年,夏甲给她的儿子娶了一个妻子
