Purposed In The Heart

by Pastor Mark
March 26, 2020

A sense of purpose

We continue to see our life greatly affected and changed by the spread of the COVID-19 virus. To impede the further spread of the deadly virus, our government has sought to take serious measures to ensure social distancing is properly practised. These measures have significantly reduced the kind of activities we once had. It also means that we have more free time on our hands and we would be spending a greater amount of time at home.

How do we see ourselves going through this period? Let us cultivate a greater sense of purpose. We should not allow time to be wasted. Let us be challenged to have a high sense of purpose in our life.

Daniel was a gifted young man who had a great sense of purpose. While in captivity in Babylon, he was specially selected to learn the language and the literature of the Chaldeans. (Dan 1:4) It was at this time that Daniel’s sense of purpose was manifested.

1. A purpose that focuses on being righteous

“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank;” (Dan 1:8)

Daniel had a high sense of purpose of doing that which was righteous. He was asked to eat the king’s delicacies which were probably the food that was offered to the Babylonian idols. (Ex 34:15) It was also food that was not prepared according to the laws of Moses. (Lev 11) Daniel knew that eating the delicacies would go against the Lord’s commandments, and he would defile himself. Daniel purposed in his heart to do that which was righteous according to the Lord’s Word. He knew the Lord’s Word well that guided him to do the right thing. As we have time now, let us be challenged to know the Lord’s Word more deeply so that we may discern that which is righteous or not. Let us be challenged to have a greater sense of purpose in our heart to do that which is righteous.

2. A purpose that is in our heart

A purpose is something that has to be determined not only with the mind but also with the heart. It is the heart that is filled with our emotions and passions. When we have a sense of purpose in our heart, we would become passionate about it. It would drive us to do all that we can to fulfil that purpose. Instead of eating the king’s delicacies, Daniel asked for vegetables and water. He was determined in his heart not to defile himself but to do that which was righteous. It was indeed a heart-felt purpose. Daniel also had three other friends with him. As he sought to fulfil this purpose in his heart to do the righteous thing, his friends also followed him. Let us be challenged to purpose in our heart to do that which is righteous.

3. A purpose that leads to blessings

When Daniel had determined to follow through with this high sense of purpose in his heart, he was greatly blessed. God brought Daniel into the favour of the chief eunuch. (Dan 1:9) The health of the four men were better than all the other young men. (Dan 1:15) God also blessed the four of them with knowledge, skill in all literature, wisdom. (Dan 1:17) Their wisdom and understanding were proven to be ten times better than the wise men of Babylon. With the time that we have now, let us also learn to grow and to be blessed with knowledge, skill and wisdom. Let us appreciate how significantly more blessed we can be when we have a greater sense of purpose in our heart. Let us be challenged to have a high sense of purpose in our life.

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